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Our rooms are spacious, furnished with rustic, carved wooden furniture, stylishly aligned with the true beauty of nature unfolding in front of us from the rooms. The most impressive is our honeymoon suite, where our guests can feel the beauty of life's rare moments, enjoy the picturesqueness of the Danube landscape, and the red wonders of the sunsets.


All room prices include VAT  and includes a buffet breakfast.
The prices do not include the tourist tax, which amounts to HUF 300/person/night.


View our rooms and book your stay!




Minden szoba ár ÁFA-val  és svédasztalos reggelivel értendÅ‘.
Az árak nem tartalmazzák az idegenforgalmi adót, melynek összege 300 ft/fÅ‘/éj.

Kisállatok külön kérés esetén szállásolhatók el. Elszállásolásuk extra költséggel járhat.​


 A fenti szobaáraink ünnepnapokra, kiemelt idÅ‘szakokra, egyes hétvégi idÅ‘szakokra NEM vonatkoznak. Ünnepnapi szállás ajánlatunkat kérje elérhetÅ‘ségeink egyikén.​


Things to see

Sights nearby

Our hotel is located in the Danube Bend, between Vác and Verőce. This area offers an insight into one of the most impressive regions of Hungary, where history and nature live in harmony. The picturesque landscapes of the idyllic Danube bend, the quiet walks along the Danube and the historical sights will impress all visitors. Below are six must-see spots, each offering a unique experience.

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